If you’re looking to work for an organisation that has an inspiring purpose, offers a flexible and family-friendly work environment, focused on growth, best outcomes for children and encourages your personal development, EMPOWER Early Learning Group could be the place for you!

  • - Above award wages

    - Flexible rostering, supporting positive work life balance

    - RDO's

    - Wellness evenings

    - Team bonding days

    - Team meetings held off site focusing on team building and reflective practices to achieve best outcomes for all in our community

    - Appropriate non-contact time, if your time is not given you will be paid above your rostered hours

    - Extensive induction process to ensure smooth transition into the service with strong support, training and mentoring from a dedicated team

    - Educational leader position: This will be a MINIMUM one day of the floor non-contact role to achieve your goals

    - On going professional development opportunities

    - Supportive, dedicated and passionate leadership team

  • What is the ideal EMPOWER educator and what are we seeking from you?

    - You must have a warm smiling face that makes every child feel special.

    - You must be able to laugh at jokes you don't understand, or you don't find funny.

    - You will preferably have a little bit of quirkiness. If a child request that you be a cat in their vet, you will be the best cat you can be.

    - If you're applying for a Lead Educator Position, you will need to have the skills to LEAD by example, to TEACH and to COACH.

    - You will be required to lead and further develop EMPOWERS school readiness program with the input of the children in your care.

    - The ability to sing in tune is not necessary, but the ability to sign out of tune in front of a little people audience is essential.

    - You must be able to distribute loving cuddles as required.

    - Having the skills required to rapidly count the heads of numerous moving small people is of the upmost importance.

    - Having the skills to use an IPAD to take photos to capture the most special moments, while remembering what the children said. Or be really quick to post the moment there and then.

    - Must be comfortable entering public places on the way home from work, with unknown substances on your clothing or pack spare clothes. Look, it's usually paint.

    - You must be able to reflect on the service practice including your own to every part of our philosophy. using the Child Safe Standards and the UN rights of a child to guide everything you do.

    - You must have a high level of comfort around talking about bodily functions. You must have a strong sense of smell to enable you to respond to said bodily functions.

    - You must be able to think outside the box and create experiences that require forward planning or do not.

    - You must be able to have the skills to be able to support children to be fully engaged in activities through your interactions and relationships formed.

    - Pretending to eat play-dough creations realistically is required, and that drinking numerous cups of pretend tea.

    - You must love being on your feet or counting your steps we hit anywhere between 10,000 - 20,000 daily you can cancel your gym membership or look at it as extra calorie burners.

    - You must have the ability to read a ten-page book, with at least four interruptions per page.

    - Possessing the skills required to use an app as quick as you conduct an Instagram post.

    - You must be able to communicate with kindness

    - Thinking on your feet is a skill you will need to acquire. The practice will support you to ensure your stations are cleaned, you're organised and children are engaged.

    - You must be prepared to have lots of FUN in the workplace. Laughter is something you can expect to engage in for a large part of your working day.

    - Our promise to you, we will always be open minded to change, focus on the children first, meet your needs, be flexible, provide you with the time you need to do your role, be kind and have lots of fun.

    - Finally, you must be prepared to feel loved, special and important to many young children and their families.


    If the above sounds like this could be you, we would love to hear from you!

    Check out our Instagram @empower.elg